1. Sticky Thread requests should be sent to Administrator or G-Mods. A request does not mean that it will be stickied. It is always up to the moderators/administrators discretion.
2. Manufacturer/Vendors Data, and Clubs/Organizations will not be sticky'd as this would imply endorsement of that particular company/group.
3. Any time sensitive thread (ie: Group Buy, etc) that has an expiration date will only be sticky'd for forty-five (45) days prior to that group buy/etc. Members can always use space in their signature to promote/advertise their thread before and during the time the thread is sticky'd if it is determined by Admin to get sticky'd.
4. No threads in the Events or Events Chatter Board(s) will be sticky'd
5. Only thread(s) that would not be subject to #3 above would be Site Announcements, General Announcements, thread(s) that would be yearly (ie: 20XX Best CVO Picture thread), or other thread(s) that are deemed necessary by Admin/G-Mods.