Good Day!
Bike is a 2011 FLTRUSE
Issue...intermittent "no pressure" on hydraulic clutch (won't disengage)
I change/bleed the hydraulic clutch every year, even though HD recommends every 2 years, with DOT4. It's a simple task and in theory should eliminate any possible failure due to moisture contamination, boiling, air in system etc etc
Not once has the master cylinder been low on fluid, nor have I ever seen a drop or even seepage anywhere in the system.
For some reason...out of the blue I will experience zero pressure at the lever, and the clutch will not disengage. When I remove the master cyl cover, it's full...I bleed the system and immediately the problem is solved. Can ride for a day or several thousand miles without issue and then, for no pressure/won't disengage.
Last September while on a 10 day trip it failed...found an indy who bled it for me and down the road I went (all good)...rode bike until mid October with no issues...when putting bike away for season end of October, it was all I could do to ride it 3 blocks to storage. Bike sat for the winter...along comes spring so I figured to bleed the system at same time as I change the other fluids...clutch performs normal again (WTF?) I didn't do anything yet
Talked to HD and they say bring it in and we will throw parts at it and...oh by the can't rebuild the master and it's $500(Canadian) for a new one.
Have talked to others and appears no way to diagnose other than changing parts (master and slave)
I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar issue, or if anyone has a suggestion which way to go with this?
I did purchase the slave cylinder rebuild kit for $80 but...not certain I want to tear half the bike apart to change it if it's not the problem.
I welcome any thoughts, comments, suggestions on this dilemma.