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Author Topic: Big change in my plans  (Read 4776 times)

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Big change in my plans
« on: January 13, 2004, 11:12:06 AM »

Well Fellas, its been real. I found out from my "home" dealership yesterday morning that I somehow have been screwed out of my SEEG. Apparently there was a "mix up" and their alotment of orange and black was already spoken for......funny its by people who I know are good friends of thiers whose names were not on the big alotment poster just a few days ago>:(. I was told they may get one addtional one, but they wont know if they are even getting it until May, with an arrival date after that which would be unknown. So with that, I went straight to the competition and bought an 04 Arctic white Ultra Classic. (that was my other choice months ago when I started thinking about a new bike). I just got lucky they had it in stock, I paid msrp with only a small dealer I guess it was meant to be the way it all worked out. I am saving my extra beans for an '05 CVO bike. Hope I have some good choices. If what JCZ says is true (as I am sure it is  [smiley=xyxthumbs.gif]) One will be an Electra Glide again. I may have to go for the other model now since I will have a new bagger. But not to worry  :o, I am off today and back to my NEW dealership in just a bit to start and put together the order for stroking out the Ultras motor (to hell with the warranty). I will continue to follow this forum as you guys are good!! Keep it up and I will join you all next year.
'04 Ultra
'02 FLHRCI w/Big Bore HO kit w/SE Peformance Heads, flat top forged pistons, SE257 cams, SE Race tuner, Kerker pipes, SE adjustable pushrods, high performance clutch, SE springs, touring oil cooler and lotsa chrome.


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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2004, 11:17:10 AM »

that sucks about the SEEG, but i hope you will stay active on the site, like you said you might get a CVO next year and if you stroke out the motor you still have plenty in common with other members here

:cool26: naitram...

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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2004, 12:06:47 PM »

Unfortunately, with success, arrogance, elitist attitudes, and questionable consumer practices can proliferate. The owner and manager of the HD dealership I bought my bike from feels strongly that HD is long overdue for a backlash. The severity of that backlash will depend on how long HD sits on its coattails (sales, marketing, and consumer oriented issues) and how hungry it's competitors are (the Victory is looking better every year).
« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 12:09:58 PM by psychodeuce »


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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2004, 07:53:13 PM »

Return this is a sad situation.  Did you have a down payment on the bike?  If so then the dealership has to produce a bike (buy it from another dealer) for you.  That's the law (at least here in Calif. it is).  This happended to me before, but they told me "oh don't worry about it, you don't need a deposit".  I insist on it now, just for that reason.

If you didn't and have given up hope, write a letter to your dealership and ask them to be placed on the list for the 05 model.  You'll have to put in there, "assuming there is an 05 model CVO Screamin Eagle Electra Glide".  Mention to them that you will take the responsability of contacting them immediatly after the dealers show in Aug. to confirm the order and give them a deposit at that time.  Tell them that you look forward to their response, then put it in the mail.

Wether they commit to that or not.  Mid summer find out when, exactly, the dealers show is over.  The day that they're back, go see them and place your reservation.

Hang with me......I'm almost done here.  You might consider rather than do a bunch of work to the motor in the Ultra Classic, order a factory 103", pull out the stock 88" motor and sell it.  Just an idea.
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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2004, 09:12:35 PM »

Pull the stock 88", go with an S&S 113" and you'll have a bad -ass ride.  The 103" top end is too mild (wimpy)
stock for now


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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2004, 08:28:58 AM »

Sorry to hear you won't be getting a 04 SEEG :-[. You are not the first person that I have heard that has had this happen.  One guy I heard just got out bid for what was supposed to be his bike,  he had payed a deposit.  On the brite side(if there is one) just think what the 05 SEEG might have on it.
2008FLHTCUSE3 Copper Canyon & Stardust Silver
Freedom Gear drive cams, Elite D Exhaust.

2004 SEEG Pumpkin
freedom exhaust
power commander
W/ American legend trailer<br


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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2004, 10:01:15 AM »

New to site and love it!  Sorry to here about the change of plans.  Same situation but I won.  Put down a deposit at dealership on bike and went in almost every week for eight months checking on the status.  Two weeks before I pick up my bike and only two days after the computer confirmed my shipping, the owner of the dealership called and said I wouldn't get my SERK.

He said, "Too many orders because they found out two mysterious people put down deposits two years ago."  Needless to say it was obvious he was lying so I confronted him and asked him to prove it... He could not.

Called consumer affairs and dmv investigators, then owner called said, "The guy is willing to wait. The bike is yours."  Picked it up on my birthday.  Thank goodness not my home dealer, only went there for msrp.  



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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2004, 03:14:18 PM »

Geeze guys you are making me feel bad with your stories about not getting your bike or having to wait a entire year. As I usually buy new every year my dealer called me and asked what the bike of the year was I told him a seeg cvo... he said he had one on the floor I bought it that day and now it's in the garage with 1.5 miles on the spedo. I didn't realize it was that unusual..


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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2004, 05:16:37 PM »

Glad to hear you got it good with your dealer. Really dude, enjoy the ride. [smiley=beerchug.gif]
'04 Ultra
'02 FLHRCI w/Big Bore HO kit w/SE Peformance Heads, flat top forged pistons, SE257 cams, SE Race tuner, Kerker pipes, SE adjustable pushrods, high performance clutch, SE springs, touring oil cooler and lotsa chrome.


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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2004, 06:25:54 PM »

Let this be a warning to all.  If you put a deposit down, they have to produce a motorcycle for you or run the risk of haveing their dealership license suppended or revoked.  Call  your state automotive beareau.

I'm sorry for return2mow and happy for dwwroadking (by the way, if it's a SEEG, what's up with the user name?).  It's not dwwroadking's fault, it all lies on the dealership as to the games they play.....take note of those kind of dealerships.  JMHO
Never trade the thrills of living for the security of existence.'s the journey, not the destination!

West Coast GTG   
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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2004, 08:41:53 PM »

Geeze guys you are making me feel bad with your stories about not getting your bike or having to wait a entire year. As I usually buy new every year my dealer called me and asked what the bike of the year was I told him a seeg cvo... he said he had one on the floor I bought it that day and now it's in the garage with 1.5 miles on the spedo. I didn't realize it was that unusual..

Do you sell every year as well? Or do you keep lining your new bikes up in your garage?


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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2004, 09:48:15 PM »

Hey I never thought about the user name not matching the ride. I,ve had that user name on so many acounts .I would hate to change it.
I guess you never know what a good dealer you have until ya hear from across the country. Ours only takes a deposit on anything if he doesnt know ya.
I went out to the garage and looked under that cover turned on that super cvo stereo again and I sure wish it was warm....and the snow was gone...


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Re: Big change in my plans
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2004, 09:50:50 PM »

I trade in every time just the CVO and the wifes heratige out there..

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