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Author Topic: Worried about break-in with Syn3  (Read 3458 times)

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Worried about break-in with Syn3
« on: February 26, 2004, 09:15:25 AM »

First of all, HELLO to everyone! I have been reading cooments on this great site and finally signed on as a new member yesterday. Just recently (2 weeks ago) I FINALLY picked up my new bike and it was well worth the wait (although it was killing me). Only got 98 miles on it but planning some serious riding soon especially down in Daytona next week. Anyhow, my question is this: Is this HD's first CVO with Syn3 instead of fossil oil out the door? Everything I have ever read says that parts will always seat better with fossil oil initially and then it's ok to change to synthetic after break-in or several thousand miles. Just wondering if I should maybe make the change back to fossil and then go back to Syn3 down the road. Any comments ? Thanks.[ [smiley=beerchug.gif]


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Re: Worried about break-in with Syn3
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 09:27:33 AM »

Baranca welcome to the're going to like it around here......helpful and friendly folks that are focused on the facts.

As I understand it, the thought was to break a motor in with fossil oil in order for all the gaskets to seal, then switch over to synthetic.  That thinking was a number of years back.

Motors are machined to a lot closer talerences now and do not have the same leaking, weeping or seepage problem that they use to (they do still have a weeping problem but only enough to be affect appearance but not do any harm).  

I've asked a couple engine builders this very question.  These guys all run the AHDRA circuit and they know motors.  They've been braking motors in with synthetics for a few years now.  They were trying to convince me to switch six or eight years ago.
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Re: Worried about break-in with Syn3
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2004, 09:30:20 AM »

All my motorhead friends concur with JCZ.  USE it, LOVE it.  Never switch back except by emergency...(i.e. no oil in bike, no SYN available)


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Re: Worried about break-in with Syn3
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2004, 10:16:48 AM »

Welcome Baranca,
 For your first post great question, I'll try to find the sites but mobil 1 still does not recommend break in with synth. oil  Amsoil and Harley do (for thier brands) I have and will continue to run the synth. but i also have some questions. For one I read that Harley said never to run synth. in the clucth as its too slippery and the reason for oil in the clutch is only to cool and synthetic could make your clutch slip and now all of a sudden sync. 3 is what you should use in your clutch.The independant test on oil that I've seen have rated Amsoil first and syn 3 last. I'll try to post a link to test I found. I'm really not sure what I'm going to do but I'm sure there will be alot of opinions here. The only thing I know for sure is after break in there will be synthetic oil in my bike. Remember HD does not make thier own oil they put out specs. for what they want and like ever other company they go with the lowest bidder.....any quess how many post will go on this subject.

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