I have just come from my local HD Dealer and was inquiring about what exhaust I should put on my new FLHTCUSE and [highlight]they informed me that I would not be able to put the Rinehart True Duals on my bike because they were made for carburated engines and mine is EFI[/highlight]. They suggested slip-on's. Is this correct? [highlight]They also said I would not need an SE High Flow because my bike comes with it[/highlight]. Is this correct? They suggested I wait until my bike comes in (2 weeks) and listen to the exhaust because the Screamin Eagle package is a great package and I shouldn't make any changes to it. What do you think? I am feeling very nervous about my Dealer because they have not yet seen one of these bikes.
So far your dealer is 0 for 2. #1 - there is no such thing as an exhaust made specifically for either a carb or an EFI bike. #2 - the air cleaner on the SE Electraglides is the stock plastic air-box, with a few extra holes to let a little more air in, and with the stock TC88 paper filter element. Very restrictive, and in my experience it also produces an irritating droning noise when accelerating.
Everyone has their own opinion on modifications, here's mine: Ride the bike for at least a few weeks totally stock so you can get acclimated to the bike and form a baseline opinion of the power, driveability, and sound. Then, if you feel the need, do the air cleaner, pipes, and download. Many folks will be totally satisfied with just those changes. If you find that you still crave more power, then refer back to this site for suggestions on dyno tuning, cams, head work, etc. I personally try not to do anything internally while the bike is in warranty; so far the 103 with low restriction mufflers and air filter produces enough power to make me happy. The only change I'm contemplating right now is a better sounding muffler than the Screamin' Eagle mufflers I'm currently using.