I have an older FXR with the S&S 111 engine in it. The engine has been perfect so far, but not so much for the S&S tech support. I called S&S and asked about the differences between 111 and 124 heads, cylinders, and pistons. They said there was no difference. The heads, likely; the pistons, maybe. The cylinders on the 124 are definitely a bit taller than those on the 111.
At different times I have called them to ask about things like parts interchange, pipes, lifters, head flow differences, and intake manifold fit. Sometimes the answer is right, sometimes not. One day they said the SSW heads on the 113 and the SSW+ heads on the 111 were the same. Later another rep said they were different. I'd say the odds are about 50/50 to get a good answer. So, assembly issues aside, their tech support advice is not something to depend on. To be brutally honest, I would -never- risk high dollar parts solely on their advice. If I had the same problem with my engine as talked about here, i would have nothing good at all to say about them.