Thnks for the response. I guess the way I worded the question was a bit confusing. What I am wondering is a few things.
1) starting in 1999 the CVO FXR2 & 3 was 1340cc then 2000 the road glide was 1550cc and 2001 was 1550cc
and the 2002 road King was 1550cc and the 2003 & 2204 CVO is 1690cc
Ok, I hope this makes sense so far. Is the '03 &'04 much more powerfull and faster then the earlier models?
2) The other part of the question is with the facorty upgrade is the bike going to perform up to it's potenial being it is factory upgraded compared to doing it aftermarket? I relize the EPA standards would limit the true potenial but replacing the carb and exhaust would take care of that ( I think?)
So indirectly I am asking is the CVO worth the extra money, in a motor sense only. I relize the paint, wheels and chrome ETC.. definitly are but just the motor upgrade. Does my question make sense?