1 Knock Out
4 Glare Pro Polish
In this order you will apply the products in the exact same fashion. Buff into the painted surface with a thick Micro Fiber Towel hook and loop design until the product disappears. Turn over the Towel and use the other side to wipe off the excess. Use a new Micro Fiber Towel with each of the products mentioned above. After you finished using the four products as described you will then go over a second coat only with the Glare Pro Polish. Rub in this time but not until the polish disappears. Let it dry to a haze! Do the whole vehicle without buffing the haze off. When you are finished with the vehicle at that time wait 30 min. then buff to a shine with a new Micro Fiber Towel. Do not get water on the Vehicle for 24 hours as it has to cure, and also do not ever put any other products over the Glare except a Glare product as the Glassplexin does not mix with Silicones, Waxes, and Polymers. Very important on this point. If you want to apply another coat of Glare you can do this without any problems to fill in new scratches. As you know when you drive any vehicle on the road the dirt from the highways will make new scratches so we suggest you put on a new coat of Glare every other month. You will not need to go over the 4 step ever again unless your paint got keyed or vandalized etc.
You may e-mail me for a free GLARE Power point slide show. I will send it to you upon your request via e-mail attachement. Very interesting and helpful understanding why Glare Polish Products are so different. Remember to use the 15% off Discount code for all GLARE products purchased at
www.Glare.com on all orders of $60.00 or more Here is the code again 5190CLM Thank you again for your patronage, well appreciated. God bless you all and ride safely!!
Hope this helps.
Just finished looking at the power point Perry sent and it is great. It puts together some of the chemistry involved and starts to make sense. It appears that Glare doesn't "sand down" the scratches, it fills them in and bonds to the paint. Pretty interesting.